1 May 2021
Wainui Starlight Run

Imagine picking your way through bush-clad trails with hundreds of other bobbing head torches, all under a starlit sky. No personal bests in this event, just a brand new experience for most and new way to explore Wellington’s great trails. We’ll keep the tracks nice and sure underfoot, and make sure you arrive home safe and sound. No special gear other than a head torch – with NEW batteries – required. We do require you to carry your mobile phone with you.
 Event information
Saturday, 1 May 2021
New Zealand
Registration is closed
Timing by Barefoot Sport. ONETIME is only responsible for registration.
For result queries please e-mail:
11.8 km
Starts at 6:00 PM

Standard: Price per participant
Through Apr 29, 2021 16:59 $40.00 + fee
From Apr 29, 2021 17:00 $50.00 + fee
Youth: Price per participant
Price $15.00 + fee
Fee: $1.00 + 5% per participant
6 km
Starts at 6:15 PM

Standard: Price per participant
Through Apr 29, 2021 16:59 $35.00 + fee
From Apr 29, 2021 17:00 $45.00 + fee
Youth: Price per participant
Price $10.00 + fee
Fee: $1.00 + 5% per participant