XTERRA Wellington 2019 - Race Five - Mad Makara

XTERRA Wellington 2019 - Race Five - Mad Makara

Here is shown the latest 20 live times from the finish line. Updates in 15 seconds.

Chip time Participant
3:28:24Helen Majorhazi
3:18:56Jack McKenzie
3:18:00Stephanie Raill
3:18:00Heather Purdie-Raill
2:35:23Alegria Solana
2:35:22Sacha Benbow
2:59:40Balazs Kundermann
2:59:40Monika Vass
3:00:52Michelle Buckley
3:00:50CaZ Hales
3:00:45Kathy Kemp
2:31:24Nicole Bush
2:28:13Des Kelly
2:00:35Jan Esquilant
2:56:55James Pinner
2:53:57Brendon Norling
2:52:14Keegan Hampshire
2:21:34Heather Sinclair
2:52:09Rita Onosa
2:51:40Tina van Dijk

Timing by Organiser. ONETIME is only responsible for registration.
For result queries please e-mail: xterrawellington@splashanddash.co.nz