The Barfoot & Thompson Swim & Run series consists of 9 races throughout the Summer Triathlon season. The event is based from the Takapuna Boating Club on The Strand, Takapuna. Start time is 6:15pm
This site for Race 5 only. If you wish to enter the remaining 5 races of the series and save money, please enter here.
Race distances are 1000m swim and 3km run. It is the swimmers' race.
Cash prizes for male and female winners. Sponsors prizes for first 3 male and female placegetters plus plenty of spot prizes. Make sure you join us in TBC after the event. Food and drinks available.
Online entry is open until 18:00 on the day - please enter online before coming down as it will save you and our volunteers time at registration.
If you still need to enter on the night please allow enough time and ensure you are there by 17:30. This should still be done online, and it is easier on your computer!
Team entries are allowed at the same price as individual entries - $15 for Seniors and $10 for Juniors (plus a small admin fee). You should still enter online using the Teams option. The first team member creates their own OneTime registration, then adds the details for the second team member.
Cash entries are a last resort but the price rises to $20 for Seniors and $15 for Juniors.
You must go to the registration desk on the night to "check in" and collect your timimg chip for the race. Timing chips are to be returned after each race.
The event is run by the North Harbour Triathlon Club - everyone who makes this event happen are volunteers of the Triathlon club.
This event is open to anyone - providing you can swim & run.
We look forward to a great night