McDonalds Hawke's Bay Primary and Intermediate Schools Triathlon
The McDonalds Hawke's Bay Primary and Intermediate schools triathlon is all about bringing all the schools together for a fun filled day of multisport and of course seeing which school is the loudest at cheering their fellow school mates to the finish line. This event is designed to cater to all the community whether the budding athlete wishes to compete as an individual or in a team, the day is simply to be involved and give it a "tri".
We also have loads of spot prizes to give away including 2 x $250 vouchers from My Ride Hastings and also a cash prize to the school with the most participants on percentage of the school roll.
We invite anybody to be involved on a safe well managed environment and the event is also timed for each athlete to have their own personal goals to aspire to in the future.
Swim Distances
Year 5/6 100m (2 lengths)
Year 7/8 200m (4 lengths) |
Cycle Distances
Year 5/6 2.5kms (1 lap)
Year 7/8 5kms (2laps) |
Run Distance
Year 5/6 1.5kms (1 lap)
Year 7/8 3kms (2 laps) |
Event Venue: Frimley Aquatic Facility & Park
Registration:Rose gardens Frimley Park( Beside Pool)
2nd December 2020
Registration Year 5/6 : 9am
Race Briefing: 9:45am
Race Start: 10am (The start will be wave starts depending on year and category)
Prize Giving: Approx 11am depending when the last competitor finishes.
Registration Year 7/8 : 11.30am
Race Briefing: 12:15pm
Race Start: 12.30pm (All years and categories)
Prize Giving: Approx 1:30pm depending when the last competitor finishes.
Event pricing (plus online fees)
Individuals - $15
Teams – $30 per team (3 Person)
* Online registration fees $1 + 5% of registration fee
You can register online OR for posted and schools entries please see your childs school who will have entry forms
For school spreadsheet for entries please download HERE
Course maps
For the swim courses click here
For the cycle course click here
For the run courses click here
Year 5/6- 2 lengths (100m)
The swim is in the 50m Frimley pool starting at the grandstand side of the pool in wave starts in year and division order. You will enter the pool (no diving) at the changing room end of the pool and swim to the end middle of the pool indicated by a large cone then return to the other end finishing and exiting the water at the steps to make your way to transition.
Year 7/8 - 4 lengths (200m)
The swim is in the 50m Frimley pool starting at the grandstand side of the pool in wave starts in year and division order. You will enter the pool (no diving) at the changing room end of the pool and swim up and back (2 lengths) on one side of the lane rope then go under the lane rope and swim 2 lengths up and back again finishing on the steps exiting the water to transition.
Year 5/6 - 1 lap (2.5km)
Year 7/8 - 2 laps (5km)
You will exit the pool at the steps and make your way into transition, all participants are required to wear shoes and a t shirt covering the upper body with your bib number attached to the front of your shirt. Put your helmet on before unracking your bike then out of transition turning left to the mount bike line/sign on the road (do not mount your bike before this line). Cycle down the road to the Frimley park gates entering the park area, you will continue through the park following the signs and cones until you get to the other side through the gate and turning left onto Lyndhurst Road. Continue down Lyndhurst then turn left inside the coned chute into Nottingley continue down turning left again inside the coned chute into Frimley bringing you back to where you started, this is 1 lap.
Continue this course until the required amount of laps have been done dismounting your bike at the dismount line/sign and placing your bike back where you took it from.
A full traffic management plan is in place.
Year 5/6 - 1 lap (1.5km)
Year 7/8 - 2 laps (3 km)
Leaving transition you head towards the top end of transition through the run exit and turn right to begin your run around the park. follow the cones around the outer perimeter of the park to complete 1 lap. Once you have completed the required amount of laps make your way to the finish line. Year 7/8 will veer right before the finish to continue on for a second lap before crossing the finish line.
Prize giving
Prize Giving will be held at the event - (Approx 11:30pm) for year 5/6 (Approx 2pm) for year 7/8
Big thank you to our sponsors who help make the day so successful each year.