Here is shown the latest 20 live times from the finish line. Updates in 15 seconds.

Finish time Participant
3:49:31Aman Rai
3:36:58Anna Bird
3:36:06Kate Dupper
3:29:50Kate Hanan-page
3:29:50Silvana Ground
3:24:06Ange Clarke
3:14:35Robyn Mcgregor
3:14:35Georgie Webber
3:08:48Tricia Andrew
3:08:34Denise Turton
3:06:58Lynette Barrett
3:06:58Judy Mckenzie
2:56:52David Harrison
2:55:52Pauline Fitzsimmons
2:53:47Irene Ground
2:53:47Michelle Crook
2:53:43JO Fletcher
2:53:10Darath NY
2:53:10Molyka NY
2:51:15Lisl Wollheim Jones