At Triathlon Hawkes Bay we know how disappointing it is when an event that you have trained for and have been looking forward to is cancelled or postponed. We were so disappointed at having to cancel our East Pier 4 Triathlon on 28th February and know many of you were busy training for other events locally and nationally. We want to help get your mood up, keep you moving and have fun competing against your inner self with a "Lets Do This" Virtual event!
Everyone that was entered in our Tri HB East Pier 4 event is automatically entered in this virtual event for the distance they chose. If you would like changes please email [email protected]. We also welcome anyone else locally or nationally to join in the fun and register for this virtual event for a flat fee of just $10! Get your friends, family, workmates and kids involved.
Not only is this great for your mental and physical well-being, you can choose from a vast range of distances, solo events (swim/cycle or run/walk) with options for triathlon, aquathlon, aquabike and duathlon. When we say "something for everyone" - we mean it!
This is about taking a snapshot of where you are now and when we do our next virtual event you can aim to better your own time AND as an extra bonus we have LOADS of great spot prizes from our generous sponsors Hoka One One with a prize pack of $150 shoe voucher, t-shirt and cinch bag, Pak N Save vouchers, amazing Blue Seventy product, Tri HB merchandise, chocolates and much more!
You gotta be in to win!
Uploading results is super easy and if you have any trouble at all, just email me the results and we will upload them for you.
Short Course Triathlon
200m Swim
14km Cycle
2km Run |
Sprint Course Triathlon
750m Swim
21km Cycle
5km Run |
5km Run
21km Cycle
2km Run |
AquaBike Sprint
750m Swim
21km Cycle
Aquathlon Long Distance
750m swim
5km run |
Junior Splash and Dash
7-9 years -100 Swim & 1km Run
10-12years -200m Swim & 2km Run
Long Distance Triathlon
2km Swim
90km Cycle
21km Run |
Solo Run/Walk
5km run/walk
10km run/walk
21km run/walk |
Solo Cycle
21km Cycle
50km Cycle |
Solo Swim
500m Swim
1km Swim
2km Swim |
"So, how does this work? I am not good at technology"
Not a problem! You register for the event online and you have 3 days (5, 6 and/or 7 March) to complete your chosen discipline(s) e.g
if you have chosen a triathlon, you may want to swim one day, bike on the second day and run on the third day OR you can do all three at once.
The choice is yours.
Whilst exercising please take a note of your time and distance. Some people will use a smartwatch or smartphone to measure their distance and time or use a free App like Strava, Map My Ride or Map My Run that is downloaded on your phone. If all that sounds too complicated, simply take a note of your time and write it down with pen and paper!
You also need to take a photo of yourself completing or preparing for your exercise e.g whilst our walking/running somewhere scenic or leaving your house, cycling on the road or mountain biking or on your trainer and getting ready for a swim in a pool, lake, ocean or pond (preferably not a bathtub)!
Once your discipline(s) are completed, follow the instructions detailed in your receipt to upload your own results and pictures and see how you have done.
If you have any trouble at all then just email us at [email protected] and we can help your or upload it for you!

"Who can do the event?"
Virtual events have no boundaries and anyone, anywhere, can do the events, even if you are in a different country. This makes for a great opportunity to challenge yourself against friends or other participants you normally wouldn't compete against due to the logistics to do so. You might have friends or family overseas that you haven't been able to visit due to Covid - challenge them to this Virtual Event!
All registered NZ participants with uploaded results and pictures will go in the draw for some awesome sponsored prize packs.
"When does the event start? How long have I got to do it?"
Virtual events are flexible but do have to be completed in the specified time. Allow time to upload your results.
You have from 5am Friday 5th March til 10pm Sunday 7th March 2021 to complete your Virtual event and upload results and pictures.
Because you are doing the event yourself there is no specific time for you to start, if you want a sleep in or you have to work around other
commitments it is all possible.
You may choose to exercise with friends, family or work colleagues or prefer to go it alone. The choice is yours.
"What equipment do I need?"
The results platform is simple and designed for you to enter your own results for whatever discipline you are doing, it's that easy! No special equipment is needed, however downloading one of the free Apps mentioned before does allow for accurate recording of distance and time.
Please note - if you are doing more than one discipline, only upload the time for each discipline you are doing, do not include the transition times. You can take as long as you want to get dressed!
Event pricing
The cost is $10 for all disciplines.
It is the same price for a 5km walk as it is for a Long Course Triathlon.
All registrations are online only and close on Saturday 6th March at 11.59pm. All registrations incur an online booking fee of 5% + $1.
Event Times
Registration closes: Saturday 6th March at 11.59pm
Start time: From 5am Friday 5th March
Finish Time: 10pm Sunday 7th March (results to be uploaded any time during this period)
Let's Do This!