Dirty Detours

Dirty Detours

Information and registration

26 October 2019

There’s nothing wrong with racing, but it’s not us. We ride to explore, to discover new locations and to strengthen our ties with our buddies and the country we live in. Dirty Detours will take you deep into the Republic of Whangamomona across some of the best gravel roads the country has to offer. You’ll traverse steep saddles through rugged farmland, ride through dense bush and enjoy classic Kiwi baking in a classic Kiwi town hall. We’ll throw in a few timed stages, mtb-enduro style, with the total time taken to complete these stages declaring the winner. Your overall time to complete the course means nothing, so make sure to re-group with your buddies at the end of each stage as you’ll have plenty of time to cruise the course, take in the sights and talk shit. We’ll have taken over Whangamomona by the time you finish the loop so rest assured, there’ll be beer, food and music waiting when you roll back into town.

 Event information
Saturday, 26 October 2019