Always a good TT option and can certainly be challenging. Starts at Kahutara school
Choose from the full 40km Kahutara experience, or the shorter 22km event
Course details HERE
(please note the 22km event also starts at the school, however it only takes in the 2nd part of the course)
Open to riders of all ages. Visitors welcome.
For Club handicapping purposes please enter no later than 7pm Friday. Any entries after that may not get a handicap applied (remember this is for trophy & medal calculations). Online entries will close at 0830 Sunday (subject to availability)
Entry is free for current WMCC members and $35 for visitors.
All payments are made online at time of entry.
Registration/sign on is from 8.00am - 8.45am at Kahutara School, Kahutara Rd. The event starts at the school.
It's always good to catch up afterwards for a cuppa & a sweet treat. On the way home we often stop at the Everest Cafe in Featherston - which is open once again.
More info can be found on our website... Click Here.
Got questions? Our email address is [email protected]
Please ensure you have read the waiver carefully before finalising your entry. Once your entry is received this confirms your agreement to our Waiver, Terms & Conditions of this race.