20 November 2022
  • 9AM - 9:30AM: Check-In & Timing Chip Collection + Transition Opens
  • 9:30AM: Race Briefing (Compulsory)
  • 9:45AM: All Athletes Enter the Pool
  • 10AM: All Races Begin (rolling start)
  • 12PM: Podium Prizes + BBQ
  • 1PM: Post Race Hydration at Beach Road Hotel
  • See prize list here.
Race Distances

Sprint (14+ years) 700m (14 laps) 21.0km (10 laps) 5.0km (4 laps)
Enticer (12+ years) 200m (4 laps) 10.5km (5 laps) 2.5km (2 laps)
Aquabike (14+ years) 700m (14 laps) 21.0km (10 laps)
Team Sprint (14+ years)
One athlete per leg
700m (14 laps) 21.0km (10 laps) 5.0km (4 laps)
Kids (7+ years) 100m (2 laps) 6km (3 laps) 1.0 km (2 laps)

Bike Course (2km/lap)             Run Course (Sprint / Enticer, 1.25km/lap)      Run Course junior (500m/lap)

** Heffron is a public park, please be aware of your own / others safety (children), both on the Bike and Run Courses


                      BRAT Members    Other Club Members
(Have Insurance)
  Non TA Member*  
Adult $30 $40 $50
Kids (7+ years)   $10 $10 $20
Team** $10 $20 $30

Please note, we are a not for profit race series, completely volunteer run. Our aim is to deliver the highest quality races at the lowest possible price. Each race costs money to hire the timing system, race track and pool. We appreciate your support! 

Covid-19 policy

Do not attend if you are feeling unwell OR a reported case location listed on the NSW Health website.. Particularly if you are experiencing symptoms such as a fever, dry cough, sore throat or shortness of breath.

Maintain social distancing and good hygiene practices at all times. Hand sanitiser and soap will be available.

If circumstances change on the day of the event, and we do not believe we can practically comply with the government guidelines we will cancel the event.

Event Waiver and T&Cs

I understand and agree:

  1. I am fully capable of participating in the Event without causing harm to myself or others. I further agree that participating in these activities may require extreme fitness and endurance and that I have the appropriate conditioning and fitness.

  2. The information provided in this Event Participation Waiver is not exhaustive, other unknown or unanticipated activities, inherent or other risks and outcomes may exist, and the BRAT Club cannot assure my safety or eliminate all risks.

  3. I authorise BRAT Club representatives, volunteers or other medical personnel to obtain or provide medical care for me, to transport me to a medical facility, and to provide treatment (including but not limited to evacuation, hospitalisation, blood transfusions, surgery and medications) they consider necessary for my health.

  4. BRAT Club reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to dismiss any competitor from the Event, and to revoke entry of any competitor at any time.

  5. BRAT Club, in its sole discretion, may delay, modify, or cancel the Event for any reason, including if it believes the conditions on the race day are unsafe. In the event that the cause is beyond the control of BRAT Club, there shall be no refund of my entry fee or other costs incurred in connection with the Event.

  6. I will immediately advise a BRAT Club representative or a volunteer if I believe or become aware that the race course, facilities, equipment or areas to be used in the event are unsafe.

  7. I have provided the name and contact phone number of a person, who is not a participant in the Event, who can be contacted in the event of an emergency, which person will be available during and after the Event.

  8. I am fully responsible for the security of my personal possessions at the Event and BRAT Club will not be liable for the replacement of any personal possessions.

  9. The BRAT Club is providing a recreational activity within the meaning of the Australian Consumer Law and the Civil Liability Act (NSW) 2002.

  10. I acknowledge that there are risks associated with participation in the Event.

  11. I am voluntarily competing with knowledge of the risks.

  12. I acknowledge that I am engaging in the Event at my own risk (the leading cause (more than 90%) of non-traumatic sudden death of athletes is related to a pre-existing cardiac abnormality)

  13. I release and indemnify BRAT Club from any liability for death, physical or mental injury (including the aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of such an injury), the contraction, aggravation or acceleration of a disease, the coming into existence, the aggravation, acceleration or recurrence of any other condition arising out of or in connection with participation in the Event.

  14. I release and indemnify BRAT Club and its representative  and volunteers from any claim I, or any other party may now or may have by reason of or in any way connected with or arising from or incidental to my participation in the Event.

  15. I acknowledge and agree that the BRAT Club and/or a representative may take photographs, videos and sound recordings of me during the event for promotional or editorial purposes. If I am registering for this event on behalf of my child, I give permission for the BRAT Club and/or a representative to take photographs, videos and sound recordings of my child during the event for promotional or editorial purposes. I am responsible for letting event staff know if I do not wish my photo to be taken.

  16. I certify that I am 18 years of age or older and I have read this document and fully understand it; OR

  17. I certify that I am the parent of guardian or a participant in the event and I have read this document and understand it and have signed this document on their behalf.
  18. Tickets are nonrefundable nor transferable. You may email [email protected] up to two days before the race and organise a credit for future races. Please note we are unpaid volunteers.
  19. All prizes must be claimed on the day of the race during the podium presentation. Prizes cannot be claimed thereafter. Please note the event organisers are unpaid volunteers.

Athlete Information Guide & Race competition rules

Athlete Checklist

Don’t forget these must have items for a great race:

  1. Bike
  2. Helmet
  3. Bike shoes (If you have them)
  4. Running shoes
  5. Race clothing (tri-suit, shirt & shorts, socks)
  6. Water bottles 
  7. Nutrition (e.g. energy gels/bars, bananas), 
  8. Swim goggles
  9. Swim cap
  10. Hat
  11. Jacket
  12. Sunscreen

Race Rules

All our events are governed by Triathlonn Australia Policy and Rules. Triathlon Australia Race Competition rules can be accessed on their website.

Athletes are expected to compete in the spirit of good sportsmanship, and exercise a high standards of race etiquette. Behave at all times with respect, familiarise yourself with the course, and follow the instructions given to you by Technical Officials, Race Officials & Marshals. 

Please be aware of your safety, the safety of other athletes, and the safety of the general public. Headphones or other listening devices are not permitted to be used at any time.
Do not accept outside assistance from anyone other than a Race Official.
Littering will not be tolerated, and may result in a Yellow, Blue or Red card penalty being used.


Appropriate tri-suit or swimsuit, and swim cap to be worn for the swim, wetsuit OPTIONAL swim (for athletes aiming to practice ahead of their feature race).

Athletes must be in the water for the swim start. NO diving.

Athletes must touch the pool end to mark the completion of each lap and may stand or hold onto the pool’s edge to rest. 

Swim etiquette requires that athletes must swim clockwise along the left side of the swim lane. Athletes must give way to faster swimmers attempting to pass on their right (along the centre line of the lane).


Shoes must be worn, and torsos covered at all times.

You must ensure your bike and helmet are in a safe working order. Disc wheels may be used on the rear only..

Your helmet must be on / fastened prior to taking bike off the rack & not removed until your bike is back on the rack at the end of the bike leg.

This is a non-drafting event with a 10 metre draft zone and a maximum of 20 seconds to pass through the draft zone

The draft zone is measured between the front wheel edge(s) of the two bikes. When you enter the draft zone you must proceed with the passing move. If you are overtaken by another athlete, you must immediately drop back out of the draft zone before you make an attempt to pass another athlete.

Failure to do so may result in the issue of a Blue card penalty (a 3 minute penalty to be deemed served and added to the finishing time) or Red card penalty (disqualification) by a Technical Official.

To prevent blocking, keep left on the track at all times and allow others to pass on right . Impeding another rider may result in a Yellow card penalty (stop-go).  Always pass another athlete on their right. Ilegally Passing on the left or inside may result in a Blue card penalty. 


Shoes must be worn, and torsos covered at all times.

Race location

Heffron Park & Des Renford Leisure Centre (DRLC) Maroubra, BRAT Race Village and Transition Area Meeting Point

 Event information
Sunday, 20 November 2022
Heffron Park
417-439 Bunnerong Rd
2035 Maroubra NSW
Registration is closed
25.7 km
Starts at 9:45 AM

BRAT Member: Price per participant
Price $30.00 + fee
Other Club Member (Have TA Insurance): Price per participant
Price $40.00 + fee
No Club (Includes Race Insurance): Price per participant
Price $50.00 + fee
Fee: 5% per participant
13.2 km
Starts at 9:30 AM

BRAT Member: Price per participant
Price $30.00 + fee
Other Club Member (Have TA Insurance): Price per participant
Price $40.00 + fee
No Club (Includes Race Insurance): Price per participant
Price $50.00 + fee
Fee: 5% per participant
21.7 km
Starts at 9:45 AM

BRAT Member: Price per participant
Price $30.00 + fee
Other Club Member (Have TA Insurance): Price per participant
Price $40.00 + fee
No Club (Includes Race Insurance): Price per participant
Price $50.00 + fee
Fee: 5% per participant
7 km
Starts at 9:30 AM

Club Member (Have Insurance): Price per participant
Price $10.00 + fee
No Club (No TA Insurance): Price per participant
Price $20.00 + fee
Fee: 5% per participant

Bondi Running and Triathlon (BRAT) Club Inc

In case of questions about the event please contact Bondi Running and Triathlon (BRAT) Club Inc:

[email protected]