Luke Florence

2 laps

Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance Short Taniwha (Top Half)
Laps 2
Total time 1:19.82
Distance in total 800 meters
Distance (lap) 400 meters
Average lap 1:20.38
17.91 km/h
Fastest lap 1:19.82
18.04 km/h
Slowest lap 1:20.95
17.79 km/h
Participant (#528)
Luke Florence
EBike male

Age category is calculated based on the age of the athlete. The age at 31 December 2023.

Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Lap Transition Total time
Time Pace Time Time Position Time of day
Lap 1 1:19.82 18.04 km/h 59:56.65 1:19.82 60 10:14:54
Lap 2 1:20.95 17.79 km/h - 2:40.77 12 11:16:11
Lap times

Live Timing Information

Mobile reception is poor in areas of the forest. Current stage status below. Times delayed will be updated through the day.

Stage Timing Status
Tukonohi in to Whaaki Live Times
Taniwha (Upper) Live Times
Ma Te Wa Times Delayed
Eagle Vs Shark Live Times
Minerals Live Times