Vermont 100 Endurance Race 2022


Cara Baskin

Started and running

Distance 100Mile
Participant (#27)
Cara Baskin
30-39 Female 100 Mile

Age category is calculated based on the age of the athlete. The age at 16 July 2022.

Split times
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Split time Total time
Distance Time Pace Time Time of day
Pretty House 21.3 Miles 3:37:01 10:11 min/mile 3:37:01 07:37:01
Stage Road 9 Miles 1:45:12 11:41 min/mile 5:22:13 09:22:13
Route 12 3 Miles 40:21 13:27 min/mile 6:02:34 10:02:34
Lincoln Covered Bridge 4.9 Miles 52:12 10:39 min/mile 6:54:46 10:54:46
Camp 10 Bear #1 8.8 Miles 1:56:56 13:17 min/mile 8:51:42 12:51:42
Camp 10 Bear #2 22.4 Miles 5:51:16 15:40 min/mile 14:42:58 18:42:58
Spirit of 76 6.8 Miles 2:14:24 19:45 min/mile 16:57:22 20:57:22
Keating's 15.3 Miles 7:10:17 28:07 min/mile 24:07:39 04:07:39
Total 91.5 Miles 24:07:39 15:49 min/mile 24:07:39 04:07:39
This event is timed by ST App Service. There will be no chip timing for this event. All queries should be sent to the organiser of the event.
For result queries please e-mail: [email protected]