Come Join Us
Sunday 16th October 2022
Half Marathon course follows a low-traffic, mainly flat, extremely scenic course north and east of Cambridge, along Flume, Aspin and Maungakawa roads.
The 10km course cuts through Appleby Road and Watkins Road to join the half marathon course at around the 5km mark.
The 5km event takes in the scenic walkway between Watkins Road and Thornton Road.
Start and Finish is from the Cambridge High School on Swayne Road
Race Rules:
1. Race numbers must be worn on the front and be clearly visible at all times
2. Entries are not transferrable to other runners
3. Competitors must not be accompanied by cyclists, vehicles, animals or un-entered runners
4. All competitors must follow the course as set out and adhere to the directions given by race officials, marshals or the police
5. Competitors being overtaken must give right of way to the passing runner at all times
6. The organisers reserve the right to withdraw any competitor they consider unable to continue for medical reasons
7. Competitors enter the event at their own risk
Other Information:
Start Times:
Half Marathon Walk - 9.00am
Half Marathon Run - 9.30am
2k Schools Dash - 9:50am
10k Run - 10.20am
10k Walk - 10:21am
5K Run - 10.30am
5K Walk - 10:31am
Athletics NZ Half Marathon Championship $60
Half marathon $45
10k Run/Walk $35
5k Run/Walk $25
2k Kids Run $10
Cambridge Harrier Club Members - $15 for any event
Late fee of $10 if entering after 2 October 2022 (except 2k Kids run)
Entries are limited! The limited entries are clearly shown on the Onetime Results entry website. All finishers will receive a medal. Avoid disappointment and enter early.
Spot Prizes
There will be over $1000 of spot prizes. Make sure you don't miss out!
Late Entries:
Entries received after 2 October 2022 will pay a late fee of $10. Late entries will be taken between 8:00am and 9:30am on race day. Race numbers will be distributed on race day.
Sanctioned event Number:
WBP 2203
Course maps:
Half marathon run/walk
Click Here
10k run/walk
Click Here
5k run/walk
Click Here
For detailed course descriptions
Click Here
Course records:
Kerry Suter Male Half 1.12.09 (2012)
Sue Crowley Female half 1.23.12 (2013)
Maria Bentley female 10k 38.31 (2012)
Aaron Pulford male 10k 31.34 (2012)
Russ Best male 5k: 15:56 (2017)
Charli Miller female 5k: 18:06 (2016)
Cut-off times:
Both the Half Marathon Run and 10k Run/Walk must be finished by 12.30pm. Prior to entering please make sure you are capable of completing the half marathon run/walk in 3 1/2 hours or less or the 10k run/walk in 2 hours or less.
Start/Finish area:
All three events will now start and finish at Cambridge High School.
Race numbers:
Numbers can be collected on the Saturday prior to race day from our clubrooms, corner Vogel St and Hamilton Road between 1pm and 3pm. Numbers can also be collected on race day.
For 2022 you can choose to either run or walk each event, however you must finish by 12.30pm so please ensure you can meet this requirement prior to entering (the cut-off time is due to the Traffic Management Plan). If you are planning to walk/run please enter the run event.
If you are participating in a wheelcahir, please kindly inform us.
No T shirt will be available for the 2022 event
Parking is widely available on Taylor street at Tom Voyle Park for a gold coin donation. Please DO NOT PARK on SWAYNE RD. For map
Click Here
Aid stations:
We will have 6 aid/drink stations on the half marathon and 3 aid/drink stations on the 10k
Prize Giving:
There will be a short prize giving at 12:30pm, or shortly after the last competitor finishes. We will have over $1000 worth of spot prizes to give away. You have to be present to win.
Traffic Management:
Traffic management is provided. There are no dogs allowed on the course.
We offer a 10% discount for groups of 12 or more. Conditions apply. Email us at
[email protected] for details.
Cambridge Harrier Club Members:
Cambridge Harrier Club members who run in the Half Marathon will go into contention for the Baker Cup.
Club members who run in the 10k will go into contention for the Noble Cup.
Junior members who run in the 5k will go into contention for the Signal Trophy.